Are You Protecting Your Organization From the Second Most Cited OSHA Violation?

For even the most experienced employee, regular updates on safety procedures are a must in today’s workplace. Employees face potential on the job injuries daily and prevention is the key to having a safe and productive workforce. According to OSHA, fall protection violations are rated second among their most frequently cited OSHA standards violations.  Here are some great tips on Tarping Safety Awareness:

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Are You Doing Your Part to Reduce the $576B Lost Annually?

As the fall cold and flu seasons are upon us we brace for the inevitable, sick employees. The overall impact of an unhealthy workforce on your bottom line can be very damaging to your organization. According to the Integrated Benefits Institute, poor health amongst our workforce costs our economy $576B annually! (Read more here on their findings.)  While we cannot eliminate illness in the workplace there are proven methods to help reduce the risks of spreading illness.

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