Hire Based on Skills, Not Necessarily Talent

When you hear someone utter the phrase, “You have real talent” the first thought is that they are most likely at the top of whatever industry or profession they work in, excelling beyond their peers. With that said, we don’t always need the best “talent” for a role but someone with the right set of skills that will enable them to excel to the talent your company is looking for.

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What A Candidate’s Personal Brand Can Tell You

Someone’s personal brand can go beyond that individual’s skill set and/or qualifications and work history. The personal brand helps to tell a story about what a person is truly all about and can include industry knowledge and experience that is difficult to include on a resume.

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Take Hydration Seriously in this Heat!

In the simplest terms, dehydration occurs when you lose more water than you take in. Staying hydrated is important to keep all your body functions running smoothly.

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