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Are you ready to begin a job search? Before spending hours completing the perfect resume, locating interview attire, and searching the countless job boards, take some time to clean up your online presence first. According to behiring.com, as many as 68% of employers will locate you on Facebook alone. Does your Facebook profile resemble the same person you are trying to portray in an interview?


About 1 in 3 employers have rejected a candidate based upon what they learned about them online. Often times your professional strengths, accomplishments, and skill set can be overshadowed by content or photographs located online; quickly costing you your dream job. So what can you do to protect yourself?

  • ·         Make your non-professional profiles private. Create separate profiles for your professional and non-professional social networks and keep non-professional profiles private.

  • Make sure your professional profiles sell you. Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Make sure it is complete with endorsements, a professional photo, detailed information about your duties and accomplishments, and is connected to others in your field.
  • Network. Network. Network. Take advantage of social networks. Connect and more importantly interact with others in your line of work. Participating in groups, answering questions, and posting content that is relevant to your line of business will all help you gain professional rapport and be seen as a knowledgeable in your field. Let those around you know that you are open to career opportunities and let your social networks work for you.
  • Check and re-check your online presence. Before you make the assumption that you have cleaned up your social profiles, test it. Have others search for you and see what they are able to view on your profile. Don’t forget about profiles that may exist on sites that you no longer use such as Myspace. Lastly, don’t forget to run an online search including an image search for yourself. This is a great way to locate any forgotten profiles, tagged photos, etc.

While companies are struggling nationwide to obtain the top talent in their industry, most are not willing to take a chance on someone with an online presence that could damage their professional image. Taking a few moments to prepare before marketing yourself could make the difference between yourself and another candidate landing your dream job.

Are you a stand out professional, skilled trades person, or technical professional seeking contingent, temporary, or long term career opportunities?  Visit our job seekers section for more information!  Want to learn more about how you can gain access to Trillium’s national network of professionals and skilled workers? Contact us today!

Trillium, a national leader in staffing and recruitment is a valued staffing partner to over 5,000 companies nationwide. Trillium is privately owned by Oskar René Poch.
